Trial Offer

New Students Only


3 CLASS CARD / $88.2 to $38 + gst - 3 classes in two weeks


Class Cards


DROP IN / $28 + gst


10 CLASS CARD / $228 + gst (10 classes in 8 weeks)


20 CLASS CARD / $370 + gst (20 classes in 12 weeks)


Memberships (min 3 months)

Auto-renewal / commitment of 3 months requested / No refunds


1 CLASS/WEEK / $100 + gst monthly (excl Mysore)


3 CLASSES PER WEEK / $145 + gst monthly ($11.1/class)


1 MONTH UNLIMITED / $160 monthly


65+ and University full-time STUDENTS (with student ID) / $133 + gst monthly (3 classs / week)


Visitors (no auto-renewal)

No auto-renewal / Mat storage not included.


1 CLASS/WEEK / $108 + gst monthly (excl Mysore)


3 CLASSES PER WEEK / $155 + gst 1 month


1 MONTH UNLIMITED / $170 + gst 1 month


* GST not included in prices.

If the cost is high for you and you are committed to your practice, please contact Veronica.